Timebanks Nearby

These are all the currently active TimeBanks in Michigan. Reach out to the TimeBank nearest to you to see about how to join. If there isn’t a TimeBank that is a good fit for you we’d love to help you organize one in your area.

Unity in Our Community TimeBank (UOC)
Unity in Our Community TimeBank is for all people who live, work, or thrive in Chadsey-Condon, Corktown, Hubbard Farms, Springwells Village, and surrounding neighborhoods of Southwest Detroit who are looking to meet their neighbors and strengthen the community.
Alice Bagley: (313) 451-0135

Hour Exchange of Southeast Michigan Communities
Including Royal Oak, Huntington Woods, Ferndale, Madison Heights, Clawson
(248) 266-0722

Morningside Intergenerational TimeBank Syndicate (MITS)
Starting up in the Morningside, East English Village, and Chandler Park area
Email Brent for more information: [email protected]

Near East Side TimeBank
Help us start a TimeBank on the near East Side of Detroit (Rivertown, Poletown, etc) Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/cDhzmmiN8LmEQggu7 and we'll be in touch as we start to organize Fall/Winter 2024

Pontiac SUN TimeBank (Strong United Neighbors)
*currently in hibernation- e-mail [email protected] if you'd like to rekindle it!*

Happy Faces of Timebankers
TimeBanks are made up of thousands of people all over Michigan. Hear about how TimeBanks have improved the lives of some of our members.